DATE:2023-07-17 13:40:36 FORM:logomaster CLICK:278次 1


The company's app is called INSALONE, which means "in Sierra Leone," expressing the idea that everything can be accomplished in Sierra Leone. The company is registered in Sierra Leone, West Africa. The logo features a combination of the outline of Sierra Leone and a lion head, conveying brand recognition with the brand name. It lays the foundation for building the brand and emphasizes individualistic design as the main element, cleverly combined to create a profound artistic conception and a distinctive personality, achieving the best visual effect for the logo. The overall design is simple, elegant, fashionable, uniquely beautiful, and easy to promote and apply.

Copyright Legal Statement: All works in this case are original creations by the Logomaster team and are protected by the right of authorship. The copyright of the design belongs to the client, and unauthorized reproduction, hotlinking, and unauthorized use are strictly prohibited.